
Gotham Chorus
Gotham is an all-voice Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) chorus ranked 3th in the world
Gotham is the creative collaboration of Voices of Gotham, an all-voices chorus and Sirens of Gotham, an SSAA chorus for women and other marginalized genders.
If you’re an enthusiastic singer dedicated to excellence and joy that comes with singing and want to be a part of a high-performing, ambitious, diverse and inclusive chorus, we’d love to hear from you!

Voices of Gotham
Sirens of Gotham is proud to share resources and strong camaraderie with our sibling chorus Voices of Gotham.
Voices of Gotham (VoG) is a not-for-profit all-voice TTBB chorus whose mission is to celebrate, promote, and preserve the rich American tradition of barbershop harmony. Since its founding in 2008, VoG has rapidly distinguished itself as one of the country's leading incubators of both new barbershop music and of young musical artists who will shape the continuing evolution and excellence of the barbershop tradition. VoG is ranked by the BHS as one of the top ten barbershop choruses worldwide. With over 85 members and growing, VoG is a dues-paying organization that includes high school and college students, professional actors and musicians, and men of all walks of life who simply enjoy raising their voices in song.
VoG is the founding ensemble of the Hell's Kitchen, New York Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS).

Sweet Adelines International
Sweet Adelines International is an independent, nonprofit music education association founded in 1945. As stated on their website, SAI’s mission is: “elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.” It is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women and other marginalized genders. Members extend over five continents and belong to more than 500 choruses and 1,200 quartets.

Barbershop Harmony Society
The Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), legally and historically named the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA), is the first of several organizations to promote and preserve barbershop music as an art form. Founded by Owen C. Cash in 1938, the organization grew quickly with the mission to promote and preserve barbershop harmony among men of all ages. In 2018, the BHS opened full membership to all genders, and in 2022, it was announced that the annual international competition would be gender blind.
Voices of Gotham and Sirens of Gotham belong to the Hell’s Kitchen Chapter of the Mid-Atlantic District of the Barbershop Harmony Society.